Welcome to my newsletter for mothers looking to bring healing to their families by reclaiming the wisdom in their hearts.
Here we celebrate the transformation that happens when we trust the aspirations, longings and knowings of our hearts…
When we focus on creating…
I am only keeping a handful of the most essential posts here on Substack.
If you’d like to receive the more regular newsletter, send me an email to: Laura@lfraser.com
Here I am, in my native home: the woods. As created by the very talented Daria Jabenko. And tho I can’t promise that you won’t necessarily be heading out naked when you start trusting yourself more, for sure what I can guarantee is that the more you trust yourself, the freer you will feel.
My kitchen table where I do a lot of my writing. Here’s my daughter Eve. The quote on the wall is from Carlos Castaneda: “Intent is a force that exists in the universe and when a Sorcerer (those that live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that Sorcerer’s always accomplish what they set out to do.”
This is our sitting room in our Tatamala: houses that dream so that people can dream. And my 2 children, Eve and Jack, and one of our dogs: Tara.
What my children think of posing for a photo with me.
My intention:
Teaching my son Jack some dance moves.
If I’m driven by a wish for how I live, it’s that my children - and actually I include my dogs here too - that they have this sense that mum, she really wanted us to be our own people.
Trust yourself, she’d always say. Trust yourself - even if what your self, your heart, body and intuition - are telling you goes against me, trust yourself.
And in my writing: I hope this is true for you too.
That anything you read, you go away thinking, trust myself… trust myself… god, yes, maybe I can trust myself. And this becomes a new mantra, like a beat and a rhythm that sets itself up in your heart.
Eve and I above.
What others have to say about this newsletter:
“Thank you so much for writing your newsletter…I wanted to try and convey how much I relate to what you’re writing about in the newsletters.” Alex MH.
“Laura’s willingness to keep an open heart has…inspired me to be more full in the expression of my heart, in ways she probably doesn’t even know! Whenever we share our writing or our song, our dance or art, whenever we honour the creative fire that is, always burning within, it will leave a mark for people to follow; for their hearts in turn to recognise.” Charlotte H.
“I want to tattoo these anecdotes all over me!! All the blocks are familiar and I know them only too well but the anecdotes are fresh and new and heart led and I LOVE them. I will be practicing them all. So thank you sister.” Chessy T-W.
“Your newsletter cracked me wide open… so deeply mirrors the threads in my life that are pulling me this way and that, and is such a contagious beacon of light to that part of me that knows…” Eliza P.
“It's quite rare that I come across writing that has a particular resonance that pulls me in… So far whatever I have read from you has had that effect.” Elspeth D.
“Simply beautiful!” Julia M.
“I don’t know what it is, but you’re writing so corresponds with recent episodes or experiences I’m going through. I really look forward to your writing Laura… I never feel quite so alone in my feelings after reading one of your emails. Thank you.” Natasha D.
“A wonderful accompaniment to my morning & I liked your ‘P.S’ format at the end of the newsletter. Somehow made it humble as opposed to advisory!” Skye G.
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