Women: How logical are you willing to be?
How figuring out if aliens "walk amongst us"* is key to developing our capacity to think for ourselves.
As women who want to understand what truth is; we must be willing to ask ourselves all kind of questions – even the ones that seem ridiculous, clunky and awkward (at first) to ask.
Whilst I’m mostly dubious about what I read on the headlines, I offer the same spirit of mind to anything that I come across referred to as ‘conspiracy theory land.’ I try to find the place in the middle that seems to make sense. I take bits of information and ask the opinions and views of people I trust and who are far more informed and knowledgable then me, and along the way, I figure it out, working out what resonates and what doesn’t. I know the values I care about the most. I know my non negiotables. And I know what breaks my heart, and also, what alights it.
Whilst I'm not yet a person who can claim to wholly think for herself, I am seeking to ask uncomfortable questions. But mostly, I'm willing to be totally utterly wrong. Namely, because this is how, as a kinesthetic learner, I’ve always worked out life. Also, at the core of my being is the intention is to better tune into and channel the healing energy that comes through my heart, to live the life ‘that’s calling me,’ so that I can mirror this to my own kids.
Namely, because I trust this – without logic, without rationale, - I simply trust this call in every fibre of my being. And that the more of us dare to honour this inner call, our world will sigh such relief.
As far as I can see, part of the challenge in the journey of trusting ourselves, is navigating the strait jacket of self doubt. Us women doubt ourselves 97 times a day, and most probably are surrounded by others – friends, family – who also doubt us. Mostly, because they love us and care about us, and as a result, ‘worry’ about us. Often tho, it’s not till we get to the other side of the river of life/or our challenges, and can stand and wave showing that we’re alright, that their self-doubt begins to change. Because now they can see that well, we've got to the other side, and we’re still standing. Which is when human alchemy happens, for it’s in this place that us women inspire each other. She dared to trust her heart, so maybe I can trust mine too...
The older I get, the more willing I am to ask of myself, my world and others the big why and what and how? Partly, because I've found that the more we ask the uncomfortable questions, the freerer we begin to feel. it’s also a practical matter, okay, if I’m to make sound judgement calls for my family re health, and life style choices I need to know what is truth, and what isn’t. What is probable and what isn’t… Also, as anyone who seeks to live by their heart, we need to learn to discern between an insight and a thought, a reactive sense to something and a true knowing. Again, it’s the figuring out approach to living. I’m biased, but I highly recommend it.
So one of the things that I’ve been looking at over the last 6 months or so, is the reality of aliens – and I realise for some of you I’m late to the party!
I asked someone dear to me a few months ago if he thought that they existed and he looked at me kindly and said, “Of course they do Laura,” and “they walk amongst us as friends.” I then chatted about them with my children and partner, and we came to the belief that if we couldn’t see them, then maybe it’s because they’re so close. And that as dogs are simply Gods inverted, maybe it’s the doggish form aliens have taken, because we’re thick skulled generally, so at least with our canines, we almost, sort of listen.
And then we left it at that.
But this question of ‘why don’t we see them,’ and why don’t UFO’s land on the middle of motorways, or turn up outside Parliment, or here on Brighton beach hasn’t settled for me, and so I’ve privately carried on the research. Doing so, I came across the various websites and Stanford professors confirming the presence of aliens, and websites with photographs, but even those don’t really convince me, generally because it seems so strange to me that UFO’s only seem to be seen above the Nevada desert. Isn’t that a little bit geographically biased?
It was only this morning that I finally got a more satisfying answer to my question of but why, if they exist, don’t we see more of them? via the King of Conspiracy theories himself: Mr. David Icke whose Join The Dot podcast I randomly listened to on the way back after the school drop off , after tuning in and asking my own inner being: okay, what shall I listen to?
When it guided me there (!), I simply clicked half way through, because I didn’t have the time for the whole interview, and was interested to discover that Icke and his son were discussing something Tucker Carlson had said about what he’s being finding out about the presence of supernatural forces in our everyday world. And that which then led me to a Joe Rogan interview with Tucker himself.
The suggestion from Icke is that when we ask the question, ‘But why don’t we see them?’ we’re asking from our very limited matter obsessed/limited/heavily conditioned minds. Truth is, as most scientists and GCSE physicists will affirm: matter is a figment of the imagination/our brain. Just as the human body is made up more of space/plasma then matter, so too is our universe.
Okay, so that is kind of a basic truth I think most of us don’t have a problem agreeing with. (The illusion of matter). But where Icke goes with it is probably a little more contentious!
Icke argues that the reason we can’t see our alien friends, is because they’re in a form beyond this 3G matter. (That’s the Cliff Notes summary!) So, this then led me to Google something Icke references from Carlson, which is where I found the really interesting interview of him with the podcast maestro that’s Joe Rogan.
And because I adopt a kind of pollinating bee approach to figuring stuff out, always on the look out for that one piece of truth that lands and resonates in my body, I wanted to share the below with you, because it’s a way of defining the ‘Good” and “Evil” argument that I’ve not come across before, and is done in a really pithy and helpful way. (And I quote excerpts from the transcript of the piece and am leaving in the times, in case you want to listen to it yourself).
“And that’s where it’s fascinating, this concept of good and evil. Because when you think about it, if this is true and if these people are compromised... and they're corrupt and they steal money, or they, all these different things are evil things. Lying, controlling people, engaging in unnecessary wars that are going to cost thousands of lives for profit. All these things are evil things. So if evil is real, evil would want those kind of people to be in a position of power.
Here's the, like, op. Here's the illusion that we fall for time and again, we imagine that evil comes, like, fully advertised as such. Like, evil people look like Anton Lavey. Yeah.
You know what I mean? Black cloak.
Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people, that acts upon people. I really believe that. I've experienced it a lot, and it's obvious. And what vessel do they choose? The weak. It's weak men and women who are instruments of evil. The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. So it's. And unfortunately, we've reached a time in American history where every leader is either a woman or a weak man, pretty much. And so there's, I'm sorry to say it, that's just true. And the weaker the leader. That's why Mike Johnson. Everyone's like, oh, Mike Johnson is such a nice guy. Well, I know Mike Johnson, and he's perfectly nice guy to the extent that he's, like, polite and seems kind of meek and restrained and he's not saying motherfucker. Every, you know what I mean? He's got, like, very sort of buttoned down affect. But he's a weak man, and that's the man you should be afraid of. The people who you shouldn't be less afraid of are the headstrong, loud, don't care what anybody thinks. Yeah, those guys will go off track, but they're probably not gonna abet genocide or blow up the world in a nuclear exchange because they may be obnoxious, but they know who they are.
Weak people just become a host for evil. An open, empty building that evil occupies, possesses, even. And that's exactly what's happening to Mike Johnson. That's, like absolutely crazy what Mike Johnson is doing, but it's not because he's evil. It's because he's weak and therefore susceptible to evil. It's a meaningful distinction that I have noticed.”
Is the above the ravings of mad men? Putin flunkies? Or, is there any truth in the above? And more specifically, how does considering it help us as mothers, as women to sense into healing decisions for our selves, for our families, for our lives and to be people who can contribute to the areas we care most about?
Personally, this resonates, because it speaks so directly to what we’re trying to do as women seeking to trust ourselves. To learn to defer (with grace and a sense of humour for all the times we get it wrong), to the greatest authority there is: our heart – which is a channel for extraordinary intelligence and wisdom that is healing in nature.
Because to live our own lives in this mad world takes courage. Mad because of what we have allowed it to become, mad because of all we do not see. Like a therapist once said to me, it’s a wonder we do not walk around in sheer awe more that we have hearts that thump and lungs that breathe... That we are not more touched by the beauty of the sun setting, that we do not take our kids to the woods for them to roam and be. That we compete so desperately with each other, and that we pay so many people to guide us, instead of simply tuning in and asking within. That our beautiful land, that we are such strangers to it. And the way we defer to people because they are glossy, or have letters behind their names!! I’d sooner listen to the genuine, hard earned wisdom of a vagabond called Ken Smith who’s lived as a hermit for 40 years in the Scottish wilderness then Sunak, or Starmer.
It’s not that either is “evil,” nor even “good,” simply perhaps weak. They are little bit of this and a little bit of that; whatever the voter wills them to be so that they can get our vote. Instead of true leaders: people who have walked a unique path. Leaders who realise that a true leader is one who ignites the potential leader that lives in us all. The IV Generation leader, as defined by a mentor of mine, Joseph Jarwoski and which I shared in one of my earlier newsletters, and which part of the definition of which I’ve copied below:
Stage IV Renewing Leaders - “...hold the conviction that there is an underlying intelligence within the universe capable of guiding us and preparing us for the futures we must create. They combine their cognitive understanding of the world around them with a strong personal sense of possibility - the possibility for actualizing hidden potentials lying dormant in the universe, a view that carries with it the power to change the world as we know it.”
Neither Starmer nor Sunak have this capacity.
So, I close today with a poem by Oriah Mountain Dreamer called The Invitation. At this time when so many are scared to say what we really believe, perhaps we need to prod the edges of what seems believable so that we might discover the motivation to truly be ourselves.
And so collectively, create a world where every human being has that freedom as their birth right.
With much love,
Laura xxx
The Invitation, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.
It doesn't interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me
how old you are.
I want to know
if you will risk
looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me
what planets are
squaring your moon...
I want to know
if you have touched
the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know
if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.
I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.
It doesn't interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear
the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.
I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me
who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me
where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know
what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know
if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like
the company you keep
in the empty moments.
Thank you so much for reading!
😘The quote in the headline of this piece, that “aliens walk amongst us” is from a quote from Stanford Professor Gary Nolan.
PS: What others say about the newsletter:
"Reading Laura’s newsletter makes me marvel at her journey, exploration of self and life. Her zest for living and searching. For me, she is a natural wonder!” Tracy H.
“I want to tattoo these anecdotes all over me!! All the blocks are familiar and I know them only too well but the anecdotes are fresh and new and heart led and I LOVE them. I will be practicing them all. So thank you sister.” Chessy T-W.
“Simply beautiful!” Julia M.
“Your newsletter cracked me wide open… so deeply mirrors the threads in my life that are pulling me this way and that, and is such a contagious beacon of light to that part of me that knows…” Eliza P.
“Laura your words are so powerful, every time I read them, somehow, each time, they are right for the phase I am going through. I love your writing, and I love you helping us feel that indeed we are not alone with our experiences!” Natasha D.
“Thank you so much for writing your newsletter…I wanted to try and convey how much I relate to what you’re writing about in the newsletters.” Alex MH.
“A wonderful accompaniment to my morning…really liked your ‘P.S’ format at the end of the newsletter too. Somehow made it humble as opposed to advisory!” Skye G.
“Laura's willingness in her life to keep an open heart has been a continual thread of connection, and I love how there are some people who mysteriously circle in and out of your awareness with interesting junctures where your direction is shaped by theirs; Laura has inspired me to be more full in the expression of my heart, in ways she probably doesn’t even know! Whenever we share our writing or our song, our dance or art, whenever we honour the creative fire that is, always burning within, it will leave a mark for people to follow; for their hearts in turn to recognise.” Charlotte H.
"The Invitation" is one of my favorite poems ever written. And this year in particular, has held much deeper meaning for me--so much so that it is the first page of my 2024 Intentions Journal. Thank you, Laura!